Fertilizing and weed control are important, but it can be hard to figure out exactly what to use and when. You can cut out the guess work with The Andersons Lawn Program! With the exception of dichondra, carpetgrass, and bentgrass, this program is safe to use on cool and warm season turf types. Let's take a deeper look into each one of these products.

The Andersons Crabgrass Preventer Plus Lawn Food 26-0-6 is application 1 of this Program. Containing pre-emergent weed control and fertilizer, this product should be applied in the spring prior to weed germination. Dimension, the active ingredient, will protect your lawn from grassy and broadleaf weeds such as crabgrass, goosegrass, foxtail and henbit for up to 4 months. If additional control is necessary, this product may also be applied in the fall. The included 26-0-6 fertilizer has both quick- and slow-release nitrogen for a fast-spring green up and extended feeding. Refer to the map shown to know the best application window based on your location.

The Andersons Weed & Feed 24-0-16 is application 2 of the Program. This product features a 24-0-16 fertilizer analysis and a post-emergent herbicide that controls more than 250 weeds, including dandelions, clover, chickweed, plantain, and many more, while feeding to build a thicker and greener lawn. The Andersons Weed & Feed contains both quick and slow-release nitrogen as well as 1% iron for immediate green-up and extended feeding. Spring applications are suitable for the best control. However, this product can be applied any time broadleaf weeds are present and actively growing. In the spring, apply 4-6 weeks after application 1. Follow proper weed and feed protocol such as mowing 1-2 days before application, applying to wet grass and waiting at least 24 hours after application to water or irrigate the lawn. Refer to the label as necessary for best practices. Follow-up applications may be required for dense infestations. If necessary, reapply no sooner than 30 days after the first application.

The Andersons Lawn Food 28-0-12 is application 3 of the Andersons Lawn Program. This complete fertilizer contains nitrogen, potash and iron. Nitrogen promotes the top growth of the grass and produces the deep green color. This fertilizer includes three types of nitrogen: quick-, intermediate- and slow-release for a quick response and then steady feeding for weeks to come. Potash thickens the wall structure of the grass, making it hardier. The iron will prevent yellowing by aiding in the grass' development of chlorophyll. We recommend using this product from June through the end of August, and no sooner than 30 days after application 2. Using Lawn Food 28-0-12 will help your lawn stand up to the increased temperatures and drought of the summer months.

The Andersons Fall Lawn Food 24-0-14 is application 4 of The Andersons Lawn Program. Much like the Lawn Food 28-0-12 in application 3, Fall Lawn Food contains quick-, intermediate- and slow-release nitrogen, as well as potash and iron. This product is perfect to use from September through November, and no sooner than 30 days after application 3. Using Fall Lawn Food 24-0-14 will help your lawn recover from any summer damage and prepare it for the winter months.

And that’s it! After using the easy-to-follow Andersons Lawn program you’ll have your lawn looking weed-free, thick, and green without the guesswork.
For even less guesswork, check out our Lawn Program Application Calendars.