

  • Provides broad-spectrum and systemic control and suppression of common lawn diseases like brown patch, dollar spot, snow mold, and more
  • Designed to be used as a preventative measure; can also act as curative treatment
  • DG Pro formulation allows for more particles per square and superior control
  • Made in the USA
  • Prophesy is available in pallet quantities - There are 56 bags per pallet


Disease can ruin the efforts of even the most experienced lawn care expert. Prophesy Fungicide is designed to prevent that from happening, formulated to suppress or control soil- and foliar-borne diseases including brown patch, dollar spot, anthracnose, red thread, snow mold, and many more. Refer to the label for complete information.

Most efficient as a preventative application, Prophesy can also be used as a curative treatment or rescue product, to help eliminate diseases once they appear.

Featuring Dispersing Granule (DG) Technology, Prophesy's particles disperse into smaller microparticles when coming in contact with water, providing better coverage and superior control.

Analysis 0.72% Propiconazole
Package Sizes 25 lbs
Coverage Up to 10,000 sq ft

Prophesy is labeled to suppress or control: dollar spot, brown patch, anthracnose, red thread, pink patch, rust, powdery mildew, stripe smut, summer patch, necrotic ring spot, spring dead spot, take-all patch, leafspot, gray leafspot, pink snowmold, fusarium patch, gray snowmold, yellow patch, and zoysia patch.

Each disease comes with its own application rate, application timing, and instructions. See the label for complete details.

- Apply after mowing.
- For control of foliar diseases, apply to wet/moist foliage.
- For control of soil-borne diseases, this product can be watered in after application.
- For optimum turf quality and disease control, use this product in conjunction with turf management practices that promote good plant health and optimum disease control.

Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons or pets, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. Do not apply more than 20 lbs. product/1,000 sq. ft./calendar year.

*Important: Bermudagrass can be sensitive to this product. Do not exceed 5 lbs./1,000 sq. ft. every 30 days on any variety of bermudagrass.

The spreader settings for this product were established using standard equipment available from the spreader manufacturer at swath widths and speeds typically used within the industry. Many variables such as walking speed, terrain, particle size, density, and spreader condition can affect these settings. Spreader settings are intended as a guide and unit calibration should still be performed to ensure proper application rates. They are not intended to replace calibration. The Andersons recommends the use of broadcast spreader for its products.

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