Lawnbox® is an organic lawn care brand of The Andersons. Like all Andersons products, Lawnbox® products are made with top-of-the-line ingredients to deliver professional grade results. All the Lawnbox® fertilizers are OMRI listed organic and don't use animal ingredients, manure, biosolids or any other waste products. All Lawnbox® fertilizers include humic acid to ensure optimal nutrient uptake and soil health, and they also feature nitrogen levels up to 2x of those found in most organic fertilizers and programs.
We have taken our Lawnbox® fertilizers and combined them into bundles for complete fertilizer programs for the entire growing season. In this blog, we will go into detail about application timing for the products included in The Lawnbox® Northern Organic Bundle and The Lawnbox® Southern Organic Bundle.
Cool Season vs. Warm Season Zone
If you live in the North, you most likely have cool season grass. Common cool season grass types include Kentucky Bluegrass, Annual Ryegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, Fine Fescue, Tall Fescue, Creeping Bentgrass, or a blend of these various grass types. Cool season grasses thrive where the temperatures stay around 65 to 80 degrees during most of the growing season. Those in the north should follow the The Lawnbox® Northern Organic Bundle.
If you live in the South, you most likely have a warm season lawn. Common warm season grass types include Bahiagrass, Bermuda, Buffalograss, Carpetgrass, Centipedegrass, St. Augustinegrass, Zoysiagrass, or a blend of these various grass types. Warm season grasses thrive where the temperatures stay around 85 to 90 degrees during most of the growing season. See the map below to see where warm season grasses are. Those in the south should follow the The Lawnbox® Southern Organic Bundle.
See the map below to see where cool and warm season zones are.

The Lawnbox® Northern Organic Bundle
It is important to keep up with proper maintenance to have your lawn continue looking its best. If you live in the north, take out the guess work by following The Lawnbox Northern Application Calendar provided below. Each step is designed to promote a thick and healthy lawn to counterbalance anything thrown your lawn’s way, such as stress, disease, grubs, and more, while being 100% organic. The steps and timing laid out in the calendar should be used as a guide and depending on your specific conditions from year to year and your own unique lawn’s needs, the steps and timing can be modified or altered.

The products included in The Lawnbox® Northern Organic Bundle can be found here: Lawnbox® Northern Organic Bundle

Applications 1 & 2: Grass Genie® 10-0-6
Ideal for spring fertilizer applications on both established and recently planted lawns. Gives your lawn a kick-start, bringing it out of winter dormancy and prepare it for summer. Delivers both quick and slow-release nitrogen for an immediate green-up and extended feeding for up to 6 weeks.
Application 3: Lawn Luxe® 7-0-7
Ideal for summer fertilizer applications. Feeds your lawn and helps it stand up to summer stress from increased traffic, higher temperatures, and drought. Delivers both quick and slow-release nitrogen for an immediate green-up and extended feeding for up to 6 weeks.
Application 4: Fall Fix® 5-5-5
Ideal for fall applications and during seeding, overseeding, and sod installation. Feeds your lawn, repairs damage from summer stress, and prepares your lawn for winter. Delivers quick and slow-release nitrogen for an immediate green-up and extended feeding for up to 6 weeks.
The Lawnbox® Southern Organic Bundle
It is important to keep up with proper maintenance to have your lawn continue looking its best. If you live in the south, take out the guess work by following The Lawnbox Southern Application Calendar provided below. Each step is designed to promote a thick and healthy lawn to counterbalance anything thrown your lawn’s way, such as stress, disease, grubs, and more, while being 100% organic. The steps and timing laid out in the calendar should be used as a guide and depending on your specific conditions from year to year and your own unique lawn’s needs, the steps and timing can be modified or altered.

The products included in The Lawnbox® Southern Organic Bundle can be found here: Lawnbox® Southern Organic Bundle

Applications 1 & 2: Grass Genie® 10-0-6
Ideal for spring fertilizer applications on both established and recently planted lawns. Gives your lawn a kick-start, bringing it out of winter dormancy and prepare it for summer. Delivers both quick and slow-release nitrogen for an immediate green-up and extended feeding for up to 6 weeks.
Application 3 & 4: Lawn Luxe® 7-0-7
Ideal for summer fertilizer applications. Feeds your lawn and helps it stand up to summer stress from increased traffic, higher temperatures, and drought. Delivers both quick and slow-release nitrogen for an immediate green-up and extended feeding for up to 6 weeks.
Application 5: Fall Fix® 5-5-5
Ideal for fall applications and during seeding, overseeding, and sod installation. Feeds your lawn, repairs damage from summer stress, and prepares your lawn for winter. Delivers quick and slow-release nitrogen for an immediate green-up and extended feeding for up to 6 weeks.
We know what you're thinking... What about soil health?
Alongside the fertilizers in the Lawnbox® collection is Soil Saver®, an OMRI listed, 100% organic soil amendment designed to improve soil structure and drought tolerance while encouraging deeper root growth and enhancing nutrient uptake. Soil Saver® does this by delivering gypsum, humic acid, calcium and sulfur to your soil.
Soil Saver® enhances soil health by stimulating the soil microbials. It is safe for use on all soil and grass types and can be applied as frequently as needed without the risk of burning or damaging your lawn. Apply Soil Saver® on its own or at the same time as any other product.
Just like all other Lawnbox® products, Soil Saver® contains top-of-the-line, all natural and organic nutrient sources so your family can get back to enjoying your yard immediately after it has been applied!

Click here to learn more about our Cool Season Grass: Lawn Care Calendar.
Click here to learn more about our Warm Season Grass: Lawn Care Calendar.
Questions? Our customer service team is available Monday through Friday from 9 am to 5 pm EST to help.